Supporting Our Communities
As a not-for-profit financial cooperative, how we invest and operate affects the success of our local communities. It’s a responsibility we take seriously, and we believe our members prosper when they’re connected to a vibrant, healthy community.
People’s Community Federal Credit Union staff donates time, money and talent to support various charitable and nonprofit organizations in our community. Your membership in the credit union helps us support local businesses, organizations and initiatives that create positive economic, social and environmental impacts in YOUR community.
Organizations We Support
Boys and Girls Clubs of Southwest Washington
We provide volunteer and financial support for the local Boys and Girls Clubs of Southwest Washington. This organization provides a positive environment, quality programs, and lifelong learning skills for all school age youth in Vancouver and its surrounding areas, with special concern for those coming from disadvantaged circumstances.
Doernbecher Children’s Hospital
Another charitable focus is Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Foundation. Throughout the year, we sponsor events and find other ways to help raise money for this worthy cause. We’re part of a large group of credit unions that support the hospital through the “Credit Unions For Kids” program.
Memory Makers
This program provides families with disabled children an opportunity to attend the Clark County Fair. Many times, these families can’t go to things like this because of accessibility, cost, and other factors relating to their child’s disability. People’s is proud to support this effort each year.
Clark County Fair
People’s has been a major sponsor of the Clark County Fair for many years. To help people attend the fair, we support C-TRAN’s shuttle service to and from the fairgrounds. We also sponsor a free courtesy booth where fair attendees can check packages and other items while enjoying the day.
Community Service in Vancouver WA
Serving Greater Vancouver WA